
Talk Talk KOREA 2023
Online Voting for Contest Entries

Song cover of UR - Taeyeon (김태연) for Talk Talk Korea 2023 Contest


안녕하세요! This is a cover of the song titled UR by the Girls Generation vocalist Taeyeon, sang by me. 

I have been a big kpop stan for some years, and when I first heard this song, I couldn't get it out if my head, it was so beautiful, the lyrics, the music, and the performer. 

As a performer myself, it was a big challenge to sing something in a language I am not fluent at, but I decided to challenge myself to get out of my confort zone, by appreciating korean music and lyrics through this cover. 

It was a lot of hard work, but eventually, I think the result is very pleasant. I really hope you enjoy it, thank you so much for this opportunity, 

it would mean the world to me to appreciate the beauty of Korea in person.